

Minottiは、モダン家具分野における卓越した「Made in Italy」ブランドとして世界的に著名なイタリア企業で、住宅やホスピタリティ分野においてモダンクラシックなライフスタイルを提唱しています。


Minottiのアイデンティティの鍵となったのは「Made in Italy」の完全なる表現であり、今日その概念は、伝統と革新を融合させるものとなっています。 職人の知識が最先端テクノロジーから生まれた製品を磨き上げ、手の技が工業的な精度に感性と情緒を与えます。この高度なノウハウが、素材や技術ソリューションの入念な研究と合わさり、会社の全部門を巻き込んで卓越した理想的な緊張の中、非の打ち所のないディテールへのこだわりを極めるのです。


このプロセスにおいて重要な役割を担っているのが、会社の中枢であり精神であるMinotti Studioです。ここには建築からインテリアデザイン、プロトタイプからエンジニアリング、グラフィックからビジュアル、マーケティングからコミュニケーションまで、クリエイティブなサプライチェーンのすべてのスキルが集約されています。Minotti Studioは、デザイナーのアイデアやプロジェクトに形を与え、彼らの異なる文化的ルーツに基づく創造的エネルギーを、邸宅やホスピタリティ分野のインドア・アウトドアコレクションの開発に注ぎ込みます。これらのコレクションは、Minottiのアイデンティティと、ライフスタイルの進化を反映するものです。

2018年は、Minottiのデザインマネジメントの転換期となります。建築家ロドルフォ•ドルドーニとのコラボレーションの継続性と厳格さを旗印に成長路線を歩んできたMinottiは、クリストフ•デルクール、nendo、マルシオ•コーガン/Studio MK27、ガムフラテーシといった、デザインや建築の第一線で活躍するクリエイターの斬新で驚きに満ちたアイデアにより、創造性においても刺激的な多文化の交流を採り入れていきます。

2021年には、オフィス分野においてもワークスペース環境を見直し、新しいライフスタイルを提案するStudioコレクションを発表しました。マルシオ•コーガン/Studio MK27デザインによる、ミーティングテーブル、デスク、チェアのセレクションです。


2022年Minottiは、50年以上の歴史を持ち、長年イタリアに貢献した優れたMade in Italy企業を評価する目的で、経済発展省(MISE)が設立した、国益に資する歴史的商標を集めた特別名簿に登録されるという名誉に預かりました。


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The images available on our website are copyright-protected and are proprietary to Minotti SpA.
Any modification, even in part, is expressly prohibited.
By downloading the selected image, you confirm you have read and accepted the terms and conditions in the Intellectual and industrial property rights

All the contents of the Website shall be deemed to be protected and safeguarded by current provisions concerning copyright and intellectual and industrial property rights.
The material available on the Website may not be extracted or reused, reproduced in full or in part, distributed, published or transmitted, without the prior express written consent of MINOTTI. Any other activities that may be prejudicial to the legitimate interests of the authors and holders of rights concerning the original works and decorative models accessible thereon are forbidden. 
In addition to section 2 above, Website contents include, without limitation, any texts, photographs, filmed sequences and presentations, databanks, charts and tables, slogans, audio and video reproductions as well as any graphic and/or text representations in general. 
All the trademarks, domain names, corporate names, business names and marks available on the Website shall be the sole property of MINOTTI and are thus protected by current provisions concerning hallmarks. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to reproduce the said names and marks, in any form or manner, without the prior express written consent of MINOTTI, nor may the trademark “MINOTTI” be registered in any top level domain.
The pages of the Website might contain trademarks, domain names, corporate names, business names and marks owned by third parties, with whom MINOTTI co-operates in different capacities; the said names and marks shall be protected by current provisions concerning copyright and intellectual and industrial property rights, just like the hallmarks of MINOTTI.
Finally, MINOTTI hereby informs that it is absolutely forbidden to use any and all hallmarks owned by MINOTTI as metatags – that is, any HTML element which does not involve displaying or formatting a certain control, while providing electronic agents or search engines with instructions, to increase the availability of any website other than the websites connected with MINOTTI.

Website Contents
The Internet site is an on-line information portal which brings the user up-to-date about Minotti and the products and services of Minotti, with a view to providing an overview of the main lines of business, products and services of MINOTTI.
All the contents of the Website (including, without limitation, news, images, video photographs, sounds, trademarks, logos, domain names, application software, graphic layouts, technical documentation, manuals and presentations) and the rights related thereto shall be deemed to be reserved; therefore, the said contents may only be consulted for personal information, any other use being expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of MINOTTI.
MINOTTI and the managers, directors, partners and/or employees of MINOTTI do not provide any guarantee as to the functionality of the Website, and the accuracy and completeness of the contents published on the Website; in addition, MINOTTI hereby reserves the right to modify and update the said information without notice at any time, at the sole discretion of MINOTTI.
In no event may MINOTTI or the managers, administrators, partners and/or employees of MINOTTI be held responsible, in any capacity and for any reason, for the functionality of the Website or for any damage arising from the use of, or failure to use, the Website and contents thereof, or from omissions, inaccuracies or mistakes in the contents of the Website.
The software programmes related to the Website and the Website might malfunction and contain some viruses or any other harmful elements. Hence the user of the Website and contents thereof hereby takes full and unconditional responsibility for any loss, damage and cost that might result for the user from the use of the Website.

Website Use
The contents of the Website may not – whether in full or in part – be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transcribed, transmitted or distributed, in any manner or form, without the prior written consent of MINOTTI. In addition, the contents of the Website may not be disclosed – whether in full or in part – through communication channels, e.g. the Internet, TV systems, radio systems or any other systems, without the prior written consent of MINOTTI. 
Furthermore, the information and material available on the Website may not be used for commercial purposes with a view to creating databanks varying in type, nor may the said information and material be stored (whether in full or in part) in pre-existing databanks, whether accessible only to the creator or made available to third parties.

Linking and Framing
No links to the home page of the Website currently available at the web address or to any other internal page of the Website may be created without the prior written consent of MINOTTI.
Any specific links that do not refer the user to an internal page via the home page of the Website currently available at the web address (“deep linking”) are hereby expressly forbidden; automatic input links (“inline linking”), which allow the user to automatically display images from the Website in a specific space are not allowed either.
“Framing links”, which allow a page of the Website to be displayed on a certain page of another website, while making sure that the contents of the said page are displayed in a dedicated frame, instead of being shown in an independent window of the surfing browser, are also forbidden.
In this respect, it should be pointed out that failure to comply with the provisions of this section may be prosecuted in relation, for example, to unfair competition, as governed by current relevant provisions.

These terms of use may be modified by MINOTTI without notice at any time, provided that the users periodically examine the said terms of use before accessing the contents of the Website. 

Applicable Law and Place of Jurisdiction
These terms of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Italian law.
Subject to the foregoing, any controversy arising out of or relating to the use of this Website, with specific reference to these terms of use, shall be settled by the Court of Milan.
Since these terms of use shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Italy, in the event of any disagreement in the interpretation of these terms of use between the Italian version and the English version, the Italian version shall prevail.
